April 2022 Clawhammer Zoom Workshops
Kentucky Tunes
All Recordings and Follow Up Material

Week 1 Follow Up Materials and Recording Link and Passcode

Jenny Get Around KY.pdf Jenny Get Around KY.pdf
Size : 40.229 Kb
Type : pdf
Jenny Get Around.m4a Jenny Get Around.m4a
Size : 795.395 Kb
Type : m4a

Week 2 Follow Up Materials and Recording Link and Passcode

Cookhouse Joe KY.pdf Cookhouse Joe KY.pdf
Size : 36.64 Kb
Type : pdf
Cookhouse Joe.m4a Cookhouse Joe.m4a
Size : 486.923 Kb
Type : m4a
Fire on the Mountain KY.pdf Fire on the Mountain KY.pdf
Size : 41.24 Kb
Type : pdf
Fire on the Mountain.m4a Fire on the Mountain.m4a
Size : 821.144 Kb
Type : m4a

Week 3 Follow Up Materials and Recording Link and Passcode

Put Your Hand to the Plow KY.pdf Put Your Hand to the Plow KY.pdf
Size : 39.135 Kb
Type : pdf
Put Your Hand to the Plow.m4a Put Your Hand to the Plow.m4a
Size : 617.213 Kb
Type : m4a
Piney Ridge KY.pdf Piney Ridge KY.pdf
Size : 40.789 Kb
Type : pdf
Piney Ridge.m4a Piney Ridge.m4a
Size : 3001.473 Kb
Type : m4a

Week 4 Follow Up Materials and Recording Link and Passcode

Jenny in the Cotton Patch KY.pdf Jenny in the Cotton Patch KY.pdf
Size : 34.801 Kb
Type : pdf
Jenny in the Cotton Patch.m4a Jenny in the Cotton Patch.m4a
Size : 543.811 Kb
Type : m4a
Rock Andy KY.pdf Rock Andy KY.pdf
Size : 41.948 Kb
Type : pdf
Rock Andy.m4a Rock Andy.m4a
Size : 848.858 Kb
Type : m4a
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