November 2022 Clawhammer Zoom Workshops
Gourd Banjo Tunes Part 1
All Recordings and Follow Up Material

Week 1 Follow Up Materials and Recording Link and Passcode

Stillhouse GOURD.m4a Stillhouse GOURD.m4a
Size : 443.734 Kb
Type : m4a
Stillhouse.m4a Stillhouse.m4a
Size : 420.168 Kb
Type : m4a
Stillhouse.pdf Stillhouse.pdf
Size : 68.334 Kb
Type : pdf

Week 2 Follow Up Materials and Recording Link and Passcode

The Wandering Boy.m4a The Wandering Boy.m4a
Size : 1029.975 Kb
Type : m4a
The Wandering Boy GOURD.m4a The Wandering Boy GOURD.m4a
Size : 1036.75 Kb
Type : m4a
The Wandering Boy.pdf The Wandering Boy.pdf
Size : 118.338 Kb
Type : pdf

Week 3 Follow Up Materials and Recording Link and Passcode

John Riley the Shepherd GOURD.m4a John Riley the Shepherd GOURD.m4a
Size : 642.42 Kb
Type : m4a
John Riley the Shepherd.m4a John Riley the Shepherd.m4a
Size : 617.731 Kb
Type : m4a
John Riley the Shepherd.pdf John Riley the Shepherd.pdf
Size : 75.176 Kb
Type : pdf
Brushy Fork of John’s Creek GOURD.m4a Brushy Fork of John’s Creek GOURD.m4a
Size : 762.858 Kb
Type : m4a
Brushy Fork of John’s Creek.m4a Brushy Fork of John’s Creek.m4a
Size : 754.331 Kb
Type : m4a
Brushy Fork of John's Creek.pdf Brushy Fork of John's Creek.pdf
Size : 73.699 Kb
Type : pdf

Week 4 Follow Up Materials and Recording Link and Passcode

Josie-O GOURD.m4a Josie-O GOURD.m4a
Size : 800.405 Kb
Type : m4a
Josie-O.m4a Josie-O.m4a
Size : 808.116 Kb
Type : m4a
Josie-O.pdf Josie-O.pdf
Size : 95.63 Kb
Type : pdf
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