October 2021 Clawhammer Zoom Workshops
gEADE/Sandy River Belle Tuning
All Recordings and Follow Up Material

Week 1 Follow Up Materials and Recording Link and Passcode

Simple Shortening Bread Exercise.pdf Simple Shortening Bread Exercise.pdf
Size : 31.217 Kb
Type : pdf
Shortening Bread simple.m4a Shortening Bread simple.m4a
Size : 491.346 Kb
Type : m4a
Complex Shortening Bread Exercise.pdf Complex Shortening Bread Exercise.pdf
Size : 33.851 Kb
Type : pdf
Shortening Bread complex.m4a Shortening Bread complex.m4a
Size : 486.43 Kb
Type : m4a

Week 2 Follow Up Materials and Recording Link and Passcode

Sandy River Belle.pdf Sandy River Belle.pdf
Size : 36.238 Kb
Type : pdf
Sandy River Belle.m4a Sandy River Belle.m4a
Size : 786.48 Kb
Type : m4a
Stump-Tailed Dolly.pdf Stump-Tailed Dolly.pdf
Size : 56.98 Kb
Type : pdf
Stump-Tailed Dolly.m4a Stump-Tailed Dolly.m4a
Size : 777.426 Kb
Type : m4a

Week 3 Follow Up Materials and Recording Link and Passcode

Sail Away Ladies.pdf Sail Away Ladies.pdf
Size : 38.024 Kb
Type : pdf
Sail Away Ladies.m4a Sail Away Ladies.m4a
Size : 593.361 Kb
Type : m4a
John Riley the Shepherd.pdf John Riley the Shepherd.pdf
Size : 36.033 Kb
Type : pdf
John Riley the Shepherd.m4a John Riley the Shepherd.m4a
Size : 615.317 Kb
Type : m4a
Chord shapes.pdf Chord shapes.pdf
Size : 26.788 Kb
Type : pdf

Week 4 Follow Up Materials and Recording Link and Passcode

Old Mose.pdf Old Mose.pdf
Size : 38.126 Kb
Type : pdf
Old Mose.m4a Old Mose.m4a
Size : 795.186 Kb
Type : m4a
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